Extreme Sports First Aid Kit Checklist

An extreme sport is defined as any recreational activity that includes what some would consider a high degree of risk. These activities usually involve an increased level of physical exertion, great heights, and/or significant speed and often demand highly specialized gear. The following is a list of a few of these sports:

  • Scuba Diving
  • Wakeboarding and/or water skiing
  • Parasailing
  • Skateboarding
  • Surfing
  • Whitewater rafting
  • Rappelling
  • Hang gliding
  • Paragliding
  • Mountain biking
  • Skiing & snowboarding
  • Kayaking
  • Cliff diving
  • Free climbing
  • Skydiving
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Climbing, such as rock climbing
  • Hiking in extreme locations

What You Need to Perform Extreme Sports

Obviously, the list of sports outlined above, all require specialized safety equipment, and may also take place in isolated locations across the world. Although these sports are designed to be dangerous, and that is what makes them desirable for many thrill-seekers, you do want to make them as safe as possible. To do this, while still enjoying the thrill of an extreme sport, you need to create a well-equipped first aid or survival kit. Having the right items within this kit can be the difference between survival and death in isolated remote areas where help is hours and miles away. At AirEvac, we hope you’re never in a position where your life hangs in the balance and depends on your survival/safety kit. However,  we have put together the following resource for you to give you an idea of what you need to include within such a kit just in case:

Checklist For a Well Equipped First Aid Kit

1. Backpack

You will need a durable backpack to house everything you include in your safety kit. Ideally, this bag will be weather-resistant and have straps that buckle around your body in various locations, ensuring it stays put even when you’re hanging at odd angles off of a cliff face.

2. Basic First Aid

Every first aid kit should include the following items:

  • Information cards or first-aid manual
  • Safety pins
  • Tweezers
  • Antihistamine: This is important to have on hand should you have an allergic reaction to something.
  • Anti-inch or insect sting treatment
  • Pain relief medication
  • Blister treatment
  • Medical adhesive tape: You should carry at least a 10-yard roll with you.
  • Sterile pads (nonstick)
  • Gauze pads in various sizes
  • Adhesive wound-closure strips and/or butterfly bandages
  • Adhesive bandages (fabric)
  • Bandage adhesive, compound tincture of benzoin
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Alcohol-based antiseptic wipes

3. Additional Items You Need for More Extreme Adventures

Though the above cover what you need in a basic kit, you aren’t doing basic sports when you live life to the extreme. Therefore, you will need to add the following when you enjoy extreme sports:

  • Liquid Bandage
  • Blood stopping or hemostatic gauze
  • Topical anesthetic on first-aid cleansing pads
  • Hydrogel-based pads
  • Stretch-to-conform rolled bandages
  • Rolled Gauze
  • SAM splints
  • Finger Splints
  • Elastic wrap
  • Triangular cravat bandage

4. Supplies and Tools

You will also want the following in any survivor kit:

  • Biodegradable soap
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Waterproof container to hold your medications and supplies
  • Medical waste bag to house sharp items
  • Small notepad, as well as a waterproof pen or pencil
  • CPR mask
  • Surgical gloves (avoid latex)
  • Irrigation syringe (18-gauge catheter)
  • Oral thermometer
  • Cotton-tipped swabs
  • Razorblade (safety variety) you can also use a scalpel with #12 or #15 blade
  • Knife or a multi-tool with a knife included
  • Duct tape

5. Treatments and Medications

You also want to include the following medications or treatments in any safety/survival kit:

  • Aspirin: This would primarily be to counteract the effects of a heart attack.
  • Injectable epinephrine (this is for severe allergic reactions)
  • Oral rehydration salts
  • Antacid tablets
  • Diarrhea medication
  • Lubricating eye drops
  • Throat lozenges
  • Sunburn relief spray or gel
  • Antibiotics or other prescription medications

6. Navigation Items

You must be able to figure out where you are should you lose your party or fall and need to find your way back out of an isolated area. This means you need the following in your survival kit:

  • GPS
  • Compass
  • Map

7. Insulation and/or Warmth

You also need to have the ability to keep your body temperature from plummeting should you have to spend the night without shelter. Add the following to your kit to do this:

  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Long Underwear
  • Pants
  • Vest
  • Jacket
  • Lighter or matches (add to the waterproof container)
  • Firestarter
  • Reflective blanket, tarp, or tent

8. Hydration/Nutrition

Another important element you will need to have with you is the ability to keep yourself hydrated and fed should you find yourself in a survival situation. Add the following items to your backpack to ensure you keep yourself hydrated and fed:

  • Water treatment system or filter
  • Extra water
  • Extra food

9. Illumination

When you are away from civilization and night falls, it can get dark, fast! Therefore, make sure you have the following so you can see the pathway and/or see to set up camp:

  • Headlamp and/or flashlight
  • Extra batteries

Other Options And Tips to Keep You Safe Out There

When you leave the safety of civilization for the thrill of the great wilderness and extreme sports, you take your life into your own hands. Of course, just because you enjoy extreme sports and living life on the edge doesn’t necessarily make you reckless.  Thankfully, by putting together a survival kit with the items listed above, or purchasing one already assembled, you give yourself the best chance of making it out alive should an accident occur. Of course, you should also take a survival class and learn basic first aid before you venture out of the boundaries of civilization. Remember, though it might seem like a waste of time to learn basic survival techniques, you will be thankful you have this knowledge should you need to utilize your education to stay alive till help can reach you.

Air Ambulance Services from AirEvac International

AirEvac International offers dedicated air ambulance services in Mexico, South American, and the Caribbean. Our medevac bases operate day and night, and our critical care teams are always available to respond to your questions, helping you with your medical transportation needs. For more information, contact AirEvac International at 1-619-754-6755.