Why is it Important to Stay Hydrated When Traveling?

According to the Global Traveler, some 60% of the human body is made up of life-giving water. In addition, the heart and brain are made up of 73%, and the lungs contain 83% water. Suffice it to say, water is essential for life. Therefore, it is vital to keep your body well hydrated, especially when you are out of your typical routine while traveling. It can be easy to let hydration go a bit when you are focused on your latest adventure but don’t make this life-threatening mistake. A focus on hydration, even when traveling, is imperative. The following are reasons you simply must keep hydration in the forefront of your mind, no matter where in the world you find yourself or what you end up doing during your travels, brought to you by AirEvac International:

Air Flight Can Dehydrate You

If you are traveling via an airplane, you must pay especially close attention to your hydration levels, because airplanes typically have low humidity levels due to their artificial climate control methods. In some instances, this humidity level can fall to 20% or less.

Water Increases Your Energy Levels

Traveling is fun, there is no doubt about it, but it’s also tiring. Moving from time zone to time zone can throw your body’s internal clock all out of whack. This can tend to make you tired, zapping your energy. In addition, if you are participating in an activity, you need extra hydration as proper hydration can improve your endurance and reduce fatigue according to the Journal of Athletic Training. Suffice it to say, that drinking adequate amounts of water will help improve your energy levels.

It Prevents Illnesses and Flushes Toxins

Proper hydration is a key component of properly functioning kidneys. The kidneys, of course, serve the primary purpose of removing waste from your body naturally. In addition, a body that is properly hydrated will tend to restore nutrients quicker, preventing illnesses. Therefore, when you don’t get enough water, your body’s natural waste removal system gets a little backed up and can even stop working altogether if dehydration sets in.

Water Keeps Skin Moist And Healthy

Everyone wants to look good while traveling. After all, those pictures are going to be around forever! However, there is nothing attractive about dry, flaky skin, which can occur when you don’t drink enough water. Thankfully, you can keep your skin moist and healthy and even reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and lines simply by drinking enough water according to The American Academy of Dermatology.

It Improves Your Overall Mood

Vacation or traveling is no time be in a bad mood. After all, you want to take in all the adventures your vacation has to offer. When you fail to make hydration important enough, though, your body can begin to get dehydrated. Unfortunately, this can cause headaches along with moodiness according to the Journal of Nutrition.

Water Improves Cognitive Function

Have you ever found yourself reaching for a sugary treat in the late afternoon when you need a mental boost? Instead, you might try a tall glass of water. That’s right, according to a study found in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, simply drinking a glass of water can enhance your brain’s cognitive ability.

What’s So Bad About Dehydration?

The above information tells you several of the main benefits of keeping your body hydrated by drinking enough water while traveling. You might wonder now, though, what’s so bad about dehydration? Obviously, if you don’t keep yourself hydrated, this will be where you end up, so let’s look at what you can expect to happen.

Symptoms of Dehydration: What You Can Expect to Happen to Your Body

  • Your urine output will decrease. This is partly due to the lack of kidney function. Your kidneys need water to flush the toxins from your body properly.
  • Your blood pressure will decrease.
  • Your heart rate will decrease.
  • Your sodium level within your blood will go up.
  • You will start feeling tired and fatigued.
  • You might get confused, not know where you are or what’s going on around you.

What to Look For? First Signs of Dehydration

During your travels, if you notice any of the following symptoms, you need to consider dehydration as a possible motive and hydrate your body as soon as possible:

  • Lightheadedness or dizziness.
  • Confusion.
  • A headache.
  • No tears available if crying.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Fatigue or sleepiness.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Darker than normal urine output.
  • None or little urine output.

How Much Water is Enough?

You are probably sufficiently convinced you need to stay on top of your water consumption and ensure your body doesn’t get dehydrated. Now, you likely want to know how much water is enough. Obviously, if you are doing a strenuous activity or flying as mentioned above, you will need to increase this number. However, the general guideline for water consumption, according to the University Health News Daily is 3 liters or 101.44 ounces per day for men and 2.21 liters or 74.73 ounces per day for women.

Additional Ways to Hydrate Your Body

If water is just not your favorite, you can reach that magic number for optimal hydration by consuming fruits, vegetables, soup or even prepared oatmeal. Also, it’s important to avoid caffeine and alcohol as these tend to have a dehydrating effect on the body, which makes your goal of proper hydration harder to reach.

Keeping your body well hydrated while traveling is one way to improve your chances of an overall positive experience. Remember the above information when preparing for your next adventure.

Air Flight Services from AirEvac International

AirEvac International has helped thousands upon thousands of individuals and their families navigate some of the most critical and scary health crises they could imagine. If you are facing a medical emergency as a result of dehydration or other health reasons, our team has the training, skills, and equipment to get you to the right treatment facility.